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by hanstridetour 2024. 8. 17.

HSRD Soft Lunch Tour Han River-Sinsa! It starts in the early morning hours.
HSRD 소프트 런치 투어 한강-신사! 이른 아침 시간에 시작합니다.

The tour begins after a light warm-up.
가벼운 웜 업 후 투어는 시작 됩니다.

Because it was early, I ran around the quiet Sinsa Station area.
이른시간이라 고요했던 신사역 일대를 달립니다.

We also pass by the Carhartt Wip store that opened recently.
얼마 전 오픈 한 carhartt wip 매장도 지납니다.

Meet Jenny several times in one alley! :^)
한 골목에서 제니를 여러 번 만나게 됩니다! :^)

The road to the interchange that enters the Han River -
한강으로 진입하는 나들목으로 가는 길 -

Even though it was early, as we entered the Han River,
We was able to meet quite a few people running and sweating together.
이른 시간임에도 한강으로 들어서니 함께 땀 흘리며 달리는 분들을 꽤나 마주칠 수 있었습니다.

Following riders, we also meet cool runners!
라이더에 이어 멋진 러너도 마주합니다!

The appearance of the Han River as if it were early summer dawn.
이른 여름의 새벽 시간 같았던 한강의 모습.

Take a moment to catch your breath at a hillside where you can view the river up close.
강을 가까이에서 바라 볼 수 있는 둔치에서 잠시 숨을 돌립니다.

We head out to the Apgujeong area through the Apgujeong (Rabbit Hole) Interchange full of graffiti!
그래피티로 가득한 압구정(토끼굴) 나들목으로 압구정 일대로 나갑니다!

After passing the Stussy store,
which was crowded with people waiting for the product to be released early in the morning-
이른 시간 상품 발매를 기다리는 사람들로 북적였던 스투시 매장도 지나고-

We head to the final destination, Dosan Park.
마지막 장소인 도산공원으로 향합니다.

Dosan Park opened on the 95th anniversary of the birth of Dosan Ahn Chang ho,
a Korean independence activist and educator.
도산공원은 대한민국의 독립운동가이자 교육가셨던 도산 안창호 선생님의 탄생 95주년에 개장하였습니다.

Dosan Park is one of the few parks where you can run quietly among the forest of buildings in Seoul.
도산공원은 서울의 빌딩 숲 사이, 조용하게 달릴 수 있는 몇 안되는 공원 중 하나 입니다.

The tour ends with cooling off the heat with a refreshing drink of Arisu in the park!
공원 내 시원한 아리수로 더위를 씻어내며 투어는 마무리 됩니다!

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