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HSRD X 1ST BIDN SOCIAL RUN #7 Social Run is back after a long time! Today We run towards Namsan Tower.오랜만에 돌아온 소셜런! 오늘은 남산타워를 향해 달립니다.Let's gather in front of 1stbidon early and leave!이른시간 1stbidon앞에 모여 출발 합니다!We're leaving for Hannam-dong earlier than usual through the quiet Han River!평소보다 더 이른 시간 고요했던 한강을 통해 한남동으로 출발합니다!Thank you to the runners who started the morning early with us.이른 아침을 함께 시작해준 러너분들 감사합니다.The waiting tim.. 2024. 9. 17.
HSRD X ON X BIDN X ALBAOPTICS SOCIAL RUN & TRIAL The social run on the last weekend of August was held in conjunction with On and AlbaOptics' trial service.8월의 마지막 주말 소셜 런은 On과 알바옵틱스의 트라이얼 서비스와 함께 진행되었습니다.Two types of ON shoes and all AlbaOptics eyewear products are available for try-on.온의 슈즈 2종과 알바옵틱스 아이웨어 전제품 시착이 준비되었습니다.Thank you to all AlbaOptics staff who have been preparing from early on!이른시간부터 준비를 함께해주신 알바옵틱스 관계자 여러분 감사드립니다!Everyone wea.. 2024. 9. 6.
HSRD X 1ST BIDN SOCIAL RUN #5 This social run was held as the Yongsan City Run, which returned after a long time.이번 소셜 런은 오랜만에 돌아온 용산 시티 런 으로 진행됐습니다.A little bit of a break from the heat this morning! Let’s run happily together.더위가 조금은 꺾인 아침! 함께 즐겁게 달려나갑니다.Follow the signals well and cross the crosswalk safely and quickly.신호는 잘 지키고, 횡단보도는 안전하고 신속하게 이동 합니다.#onrunningThank you to everyone who is running with us for the first t.. 2024. 9. 6.
HSRD X ON X BIDN SOCIAL RUN & SHOE TRIAL The social run on August 11th was held in collaboration with global premium sports brand @on.8월 11일의 소셜런은 글로벌 프리미엄 스포츠 브랜드 @on과 함께 진행됐습니다.Cloud Runner 2 and Cloud Surfer models that are comfortable to wear are available as a trial service.편안하게 신을 수 있는 클라우드 러너2, 클라우드 서퍼 모델이 트라이얼 서비스로 준비되었습니다.Try on shoes that fit your size!각자 사이즈에 맞는 슈즈를 시착합니다!After a brief briefing, we move to the northern end o.. 2024. 8. 18.
ABOUT HSRD X BIDN SOCIAL RUN It happens every week! 2024. 8. 17.
HSRD X 1ST BIDN SOCIAL RUN #3 The social run, which took a week off due to the rainy season, returned with a city run around Yongsan Station.장마로 한주 쉬어갔던 소셜 런은 용산역 일대를 달리는 시티런으로 돌아왔습니다.The temperature was quite high even at 8 in the morning.아침 8시에도 꽤나 높은 기온이었습니다.Let's go after warming up!워밍 업 후 출발 합니다!On a quiet weekend morning, the feeling of driving while looking at the empty road is quite refreshing.한산한 주말 아침, 텅 빈 도로를 바라보며.. 2024. 8. 5.
HSRD X 1ST BIDN SOCIAL RUN #2 Second social run! Luckily, we avoided the rain today during the rainy season!두 번째 소셜런! 운 좋게 장마기간에 오늘도 비를 피해갑니다!Many new runners came to this social run!이번 소셜런은 새로운 러너분들이 많이 찾아와주셨습니다-!Be sure to warm up before starting!시작 전 웜 업은 확실하게!depart! Running towards Dongjak Bridge!출발! 동작대교를 향해 달려갑니다! We also share short but clear running tips.짧지만 확실하게 러닝 팁도 함께 나누며 달립니다.It was hot from the morning, but ev.. 2024. 7. 23.
HSRD X 1ST BIDN SOCIAL RUN #1 The first Sunday morning in July. We are sharing the scene of Hanstride and 1st bidon’s first social run.7월의 첫 일요일 아침. 한스트라이드와 1stbidon의 첫 소셜런의 현장을 공유합니다.The first social run was run with runners who participated in the Gwanghwamun soft launch in June.첫 소셜런은 6월 광화문 소프트 런치에 참여해주셨던 러너분들과 함께 달렸습니다.Those who could not join us due to rain and Hanstride team runners all joined us.우천으로 인해 함께 하지 못했던 분들과.. 2024. 7. 23.
UPCOMMING HAN STRIDE RUN HAN STRIDE X 1ST BIDON SOCIAL RUNAnnouncing the start of the Hanstride Run.Every Sunday from July 08:30 Jamsu Bridge areaMore details coming soon . . . 2024. 6. 20.