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SOFT LAUNCH #6 Sixth soft launch run! A variety of runners participated today as well.여섯 번째 소프트 런치 런! 오늘도 다양한 러너분들이 참여해주셨습니다.From runners looking to run a full course marathon to reporter runners who want to experience various sports!풀코스 마라톤을 바라보는 러너, 다양한 스포츠를 체험해보고 싶은 리포터 러너까지-!Cross to Gwanghwamun and start the tour.광화문으로 건너 투어를 시작 합니다.We run along the well-maintained stone wall road of Gyeongbokgung Palace... 2024. 7. 3.
SOFT LAUNCH #5 Clear weekday morning! The fifth soft launch tour run begins!맑은 평일의 아침. 다섯 번째 소프트 런치 투어 런 시작합니다!Korea uses kilometers and the United States uses miles, so we check each other's pace before departure.한국은 킬로미터, 미국은 마일을 사용하기에 출발 전 서로의 페이스를 확인해줍니다.The stone wall road on a clear day gives another pleasure to running.맑은 날의 돌담길은 달리기에 또 다른 즐거움을 선사해주네요.Just have fun running!그저 즐겁게 달려나갑니다!Today's course i.. 2024. 7. 3.
SOFT LAUNCH #4 Soft lunch tour run on a rainy Saturday morning. Fortunately it didn't rain.비 소식이 있던 토요일 아침의 소프트 런치 투어 런. 다행스럽게 비는 내리지 않았습니다.Warm up sufficiently before departure!출발 전 웜 업은 충분하게!Today, runners from various occupations joined us.오늘은 다양한 직업을 가진 러너분들이 함께 해주셨습니다.The area around Gwanghwamun, running early in the morning, was quiet and beautiful.이른 시간에 달리는 광화문 주변은 조용하고 아름다웠습니다.We drive past the London.. 2024. 7. 3.
SOFT LAUNCH #3 This soft launch tour run is held with runners from France and Seoul.이번 소프트 런치 투어 런은 프랑스, 서울 러너분들과 함께 달렸습니다.Of course, we start from Gwanghwamun!시작은 역시 광화문에서 달려나갑니다!slowly run through an alley in Samcheong-dong that I haven't passed before.그동안 지나지 않았던 삼청동 골목을 천천히 달려나갑니다.At night in Seoul, We drive under the road lights with a refreshing feeling.서울의 밤, 도로의 조명 아래를 신나게 달립니다.We go around Changgyeong.. 2024. 7. 3.
SOFT LAUNCH #2 Second soft launch tour run! It starts from Gwanghwamun at night time.두 번째 소프트 런치 투어 런! 밤 시간 광화문에서 시작됩니다.This tour run is run with female runners full of bright energy.이번 투어 런은 밝은 에너지가 넘치는 여성 러너분들과 함께 달립니다.run along the quaint stone wall road.고즈넉한 돌담길을 따라 달려나갑니다.An alley in Samcheong-dong that was crowded with people during the day.At night, it becomes a place where you can run quietly and enjoy.. 2024. 6. 29.
SOFT LAUNCH #1 HAN STRIDE RUNNING TOUR SOFT LAUNCH #1We're excited to share our first tour run with Hanstride Running Tours! Let’s take a look at the first soft launch tour run - !'한 스트라이드 러닝 투어' 첫 번째 소프트 런치 투어 런이 진행되었습니다! 첫 투어의 현장을 공유합니다. Hanstride Tour Running's Soft Launch The first tour running has begun!소프트 런칭 첫 투어 런이 시작되었습니다! People who enjoy various sports such as CrossFit and running participated.크로스핏.. 2024. 6. 22.
JUNE SOFT LAUNCH RESERVATIONS CLOSED All June soft launch reservations are now closed.Thank you for your interest and participation! Stay tuned for our next event! 2024. 6. 22.
HAN STRIDE RUNNING TOUR SOFT LAUNCH HAN STRIDE RUNNING TOUR SOFT LAUNCHHanStride Soft Launch: Seoul GwanghwamunSeochon 5K / Bukchon 8K Running🏃🏻🏃🏼‍♀️Start your adventure with HanStride’s running tour soft launch! Choose between the Seochon 5K and Bukchon 8K running courses to experience the historical and modern facets of Seoul. This run is entirely free, offering you the opportunity to discover Seoul‘s hidden beauty. Run with.. 2024. 6. 20.
UPCOMMING HAN STRIDE RUN HAN STRIDE X 1ST BIDON SOCIAL RUNAnnouncing the start of the Hanstride Run.Every Sunday from July 08:30 Jamsu Bridge areaMore details coming soon . . . 2024. 6. 20.
THE HAN STRIDE STORY ABOUT HAN STRIDE RUNNING TOURThe story of HanStride began when three people — brothers Eunho and Dongho, and Myeongpil — got to know each other through cycling. Eunho worked as a youth counselor, Dongho was active as a b-boy, and Myeongpil,who would later become our running mentor, ran a café providing great coffee to his patrons.A few years ago, by chance, we started running and it brought us c.. 2024. 6. 20.